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The State Of The Art Studio inspires others to create their own ultimate work space. Design - savvy professionals, writers, artists, visual creators and businesses refer to The State Of The Art Studio to find the best products to enhance their working environments and encourage creativity, productivity and professionalism.


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the best brands are part of the state of the art studio: >>> become a corporate partner

become a corporate partner Untitled Document BETA 1.0.2 full release on June 1, 2007

Join our growing list of corporate partners who are helping to create the ultimate State Of The Art Studio as a showcase for design-savvy professionals around the world.

When you donate your products, services and materials to The State Of The Art Studio, a corporate partner benefits in many ways:


Your company and products are exclusively promoted -- NOT your competition's
Your corporate logo, products and web site are highlighted on StateOfTheArtStudio.com
Your products are showcased along with those of the world's most respected companies in other categories
You demonstrate your commitment to the design community as the top supplier of products in a given category
Your products are integrated and displayed in a real time context within the studio of an internationally-respected illustrator, designer and writer.
Hyperlinks to your products and retail web site enable StateOfTheArtStudio.com visitors the opportunity to purchase these items directly
Corporate partners donating $1000+ (retail) in products to State Of The Art Studio will have their brand logo and hyperlinked product displayed on EVERY page within our site


No financial consideration is required of a corporate partner for their participation in StateOfTheArtStudio.com -- simply the donation of a product, material or service that can be integrated within the studio, promoted on the web site and is available for purchase by the general public.

Ready to become a corporate partner in this unique opportunity?

>>>Then click here to contact us







Planned Media and Promotional Events for The State Of The Art Studio:

April 1, 2006:

Press Release to design, home furnishings, business and decor-oriented trade magazine editors


TV, print or editorial interviews with Bob Staake are conducted within the State Of The Art Studio where the products of our corporate partners are in full evidence

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website created by melonsoft