10: April
9, 2013
10 years after
Staake's inspirational stroll among the birds of Central Park,
Bluebird was published by Schwartz & Wade and Random
House. However, children, parents, reviewers and librarians may
all have different interpretations of what actually occurs after
the story's unexpected and "shocking" climax. "There
are many ways to interpret the ending of the book", says
Staake, "and that is completely intentional. It was always
important to me to allow every reader of Bluebird to decide
on his or her own what is really happening on those emotional
final pages. If this wordless story provides an opportunity for
kids and their parents to reflect on a variety of themes and
discuss what they believe is the fate of both the bird and the
boy, then I hope that Bluebird might ultimately be embraced
as an uncommon book that attests to the power of imagery in children's
literature - and the importance of a reader's role in bringing
a story to life."
To Beginning