5: "Amazing,
Disturbing, Provocative ... Wonderful"
Reaction from
editors to the book was immediate and strong. Some called the
story "astonishing", while others noted the "emotional
artistry" behind the book's imagery. One editor called Staake's
book "Amazing, disturbing, provocative ... wonderful. There's
something very powerful here." But it was Staake's phone
conversation with Lee Wade of Schwartz & Wade that convinced
him that Bluebird was ideal for her Random House imprint.
"Lee knew that the unexpected ending of the story would
be considered by some too controversial and shocking for a children's
picture book", said Staake, "but she felt it touched
on a number of important issues that both children and parents
would respond to emotionally." With Bluebird going
to Schwartz & Wade and Random House, Staake began the process
of paginating his story as a 40 page picture book, breaking down
each scene as a double page spread -- and on these spreads he
would tell the story of Bluebird, using his wordless,
duo-chromatic, frame by frame method.