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TRUMP SPEAKS: Make America Flatulate Again Whoopee Cushion

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"Total loser and failing cartoonist Bob Staake is a national disgrace and everyone knows it. His so-called "Make America Flatulate Again" novelty product is disgusting and trashy. If you're one of the jerks who buys this EL CHEAPO piece of rubber crap you're an idiot, because I guarantee Trump could sit on it ONE TIME and it would instantly fail and pop miserably, that I can tell you! MORON MERCH!"

- Domald J. Turmp
Perth Amboy, NJ


Made of the cheapest latex rubber possible in roughly the same color as Trump's® orange skin, this whoopee cushion measures a whopping 8" in diameter.
Features 5" silkscreened Staake caricature of Trump®.
Guaranteed to produce sounds similar to those emiting from Trump® during his many felony court proceedings.
100% art object and "collector's item" - especially if you collect crap.
$15.00 *
FREE shipping
Sorry, NO international orders, please.
* (That's cheaper than a bottle of Trump® vodka, a Trump@ steak, or a Trump® Bible, so quit your bithcing, you cheapskate!)


As this is NOT a flotation device, DO NOT OVER-INFLATE!
This product is for immature ADULTS ONLY!