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Pop Bead People
Illustrated Bob Staake
Chicken Socks / Klutz Press
ISBN 10: 1591740983
ISBN 13: 978-0670035816
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Behind The Pages With Bob:

"I enjoyed woking on this novelty/activity-based book because it included an interactive toy component. My illustrations were intentionally sparse as photos of the bead people were incorporated into the final artwork."

-- Bob Staake


When designing the 3-dimensional beads for the book, I came up with names for the characters -- Scooter, Missy, Sunny, and because he had a round head, Orbison.

Within the illustrations I was able to draw the vintage cookie jar that I remember growing up in the 1960s with.

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Custom-made, snap-together heads, bodies, feet and more. Plus a book full of activities, ideas and Neck Stretchers, the first ever Pop Bead People game.

Comes with 3-dimentional beads and elements design by Bob Staake

Sample image from book (above)


From School Library Journal

PreSchool-K-This lightweight offering depicts the odyssey of a band of urbane pigs playing gigs. These groovy porkers who dabble in a variety of musical styles are shown living the life of modern-day troubadours. They perform into the wee hours and sleep late. They're swarmed by fans and sign autographs. They even have to hassle with life on the road, mechanical difficulties, and the pressure of getting to their next appearance. Simple rhymed verse conveys the tale in a breezy manner. Bold geometric shapes form the characters, and the colored backdrops against which they appear complement the jaunty musical feel of the text. An additional purchase.


PreS-Gr. 1. Pigs rock? Do they ever, in this high-style picture book that uses geometric shapes and edgy graphic illustrations to tell the story of piggies in a rock band. "Pigs rock. Pigs roll. Pigs sing with heart and soul." That swinging introduction leads into the story of four pigs who play not only rock but also country and jazz. The rhyme is bouncy as it takes the pigs through their day, sleeping when the sun's out to get ready for their concerts at night: "Fans clap / Fan cheer. / It's the pig rock band they love to hear." There's even a bit of a story line tucked in the text as the band has an accident on the road that means that they may not make their date. The art, reminiscent of Lane Smith's work in Pinocchio (2002), has a joie de vivre that permeates every page. The various graphic elements can be as simple as the pigs in "funky suits" set against an expanse of white, standing on a block of red, or as intricate as the contrast of a circular band shell set against a city skyline, all vertical shapes, each building accommodating rows of rectangular windows. Sharp!

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